KidUpandGo: Pregnancy and Your Emotional Health

The reality is that pregnancy is a time of incredible psychological vulnerability. In fact, the majority of women who experience mental health symptoms postpartum note that their symptoms began during pregnancy, with 14-25% of pregnant women experiencing depression, anxiety, or another perinatal mood or anxiety disorder (PMAD). This is especially true if you have a history of depression, anxiety, or another mental health concern.



Maternity Matters: The Truth about Miscarriage

Last week  I made the case for the importance of speaking openly about pregnancy loss. My hope over the next few weeks is to shine a bright light on the many faces and facets of loss. 

I’m starting this week talking about miscarriages. As a refresher, miscarriage refers to pregnancy loss before 20 weeks. An estimated 10-25% of pregnancy’s will end in miscarriage, with most miscarriages occurring before the 13th week of pregnancy. As I noted last...

Maternity Matters: On Pregnancy Loss

In planning this week’s blog entry, my first topical post for Maternity Matters, I thought long and hard about where to begin. There is so much to explore and so much that deserves attention in the world of perinatal mental health. After much reflection, I settled on writing a series about pregnancy loss. 

Why? Because we don’t want to talk about!