Addressing Weight Stigma in Prenatal Care

I'm excited to share that I have been featured in a Well+Good article discussing the critical topic of weight stigma in prenatal care.

My Insights on Diet Culture in Prenatal Care

In my contribution to the article, I share some of the struggles many of my clients face. I've had clients denied fertility treatment or referred out by OBs simply because of their BMI, labeling them as 'too high risk.' Additionally, I've seen larger-bodied clients receive condescending nutrition advice from providers who wrongly assume poor eating habits and lack of exercise based solely on BMI. Furthermore, I've had clients in recovery from eating disorders, especially those in smaller bodies, who feel pressured to track their food, change their diet, and face triggering situations with doctors insisting on frequent weigh-ins.

Promoting Compassionate Prenatal Care

These experiences highlight the need for a more compassionate and inclusive approach to prenatal care, free from weight stigma and diet culture pressures.

I invite you to read the full article here to learn more about how we can all work together to create a more supportive environment for prenatal care. If you or someone you know is struggling with these issues, please reach out to us for support and guidance.


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