Daisy flower during sunset

Neurodivergence and ADHD

Embracing Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity is a depathologizing, anti-ableist framework to describe the natural and normal diversity in how our brains are wired. This term is often used to describe individuals with ADHD, autism, learning disorders, and various other neurological and sensory differences. Our team is well-versed in holistic approaches to help neurodivergent clients better understand themselves and their environments. We also have specialized training in supporting neurodivergent and late-diagnosed women, and helping parents with ADHD and sensory disorders navigate parenting. Our clinicians are experts in ADHD assessments, diagnostic clarification, and executive functioning coaching.

Neurodivergence and ADHD in Women

ADHD and neurodivergence can manifest differently in girls, often leading to a late diagnosis of ADHD in adulthood. For example, hyperactivity and other symptoms typically associated with ADHD, may not be outwardly present. Many girls and women instead experience inner restlessness, anxiety, and inattention. Women with ADHD also often describe perfectionism, social anxiety, and rejection sensitivity. What’s more, many women whose neurodivergence was missed, learn to mask their symptoms, resulting in additional distress.

BIPOC Women sitting on stairs

Specialized Support for Women with ADHD

Women with ADHD face unique challenges including a high risk of missed diagnosis. Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can also influence ADHD symptoms, making it crucial for women to seek specialized treatment. Our clinicians are trained in providing comprehensive ADHD assessments, accurate diagnostic clarification, and executive functioning coaching. We specialize in supporting late-diagnosed women and understand the blessing and the burden of a missed diagnosis and are here to help.

two BIPOC women hugging on beach

Parenting with ADHD

Parenting with ADHD and other forms of neurodivergence can be especially challenging. As these conditions are highly heritable, parenting with ADHD often involves parenting a child with some form of neurodivergence as well. By understanding the unique needs of neurodivergent parents and children, we provide the tools and resources needed to help parents manage their triggers, improve executive functioning, support their children, and feel confident and joyful in their parenting. 

Compassionate Support for ADHD

If you're struggling with ADHD symptoms, need assessment or diagnostic clarification, or would like to better understand your own neurodivergence, we're here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive services and how we can support you on your journey to better mental health and well-being. Schedule a consultation now and take the first step towards understanding and effectively managing your ADHD.