smiling Black parents with baby

Parenting Support

Parenting Support to Empower and Inspire Confidence

Our therapists are passionate about providing parenting support to help parents feel confident, empowered, and content in their parental identity and parenting philosophies. We understand the ups and downs of parenting because we are parents too. Our approach is warm and non-judgmental, offering supportive therapy to guide you through the joys and challenges of taking care of your children. In addition to supportive therapy, we offer parent coaching and consultations for various parenting concerns, including sleep issues, eating and feeding challenges, and behavioral concerns. We are here to help you navigate these hurdles with confidence and skill.

Evidence-Based Parenting Support

There is so much conflicting and contradictory information around parenting, that it’s hard for parents to know where to start, who to trust, and what to do. Our therapists utilize evidence-based parenting interventions drawing from developmental psychology, neuropsychology, and parenting education programs such as the Positive Parenting Program (Triple P). We help you cut through the “noise” and use parenting strategies and frameworks that work. Our goal is to help you feel confident, effective, content, and secure in your parental voice.

Mom holding newborn

Tailored Parenting Strategies for Everyday Challenges

In addition to therapy, we offer parenting consultations and short-term targeted support tailored to your specific parenting concerns. This includes strategies for managing sleep regressions, transitioning from crib to bed, or nighttime fears. We also provide support for concerns about feeding your child including addressing “pickiness,” sensory concerns, and promoting a healthy body image.

We help parents support their children through difficult transitions including the birth of a sibling, moving, starting school, or a loss in the family. Our evidence-based parenting interventions ensure that you receive the most effective support and help you build confidence in your parenting philosophy. Whether you need support with everyday challenges or more complex behavioral issues, we are here to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

asian baby near teddy bear

Get Started with Parenting Support Today

If you're looking for comprehensive parenting support, parent coaching, or consultations, contact us today. Our warm, non-judgmental approach and evidence-based interventions are here to help you navigate the ups and downs of parenting. Schedule a consultation now and take the first step towards confident and empowered parenting.