Coping During the Coronavirus- Strategy #13

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Take a moment to scan your body. Is there anywhere you are holding tension? Perhaps you feel it in your shoulders or neck, or perhaps you notice that you are tensing your jaw during the day. In addition to the physical discomfort, tension and tightening in your body creates a feedback loop in your nervous system which can cause you to feel more anxious. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a helpful way to help your body relax. You can practice PMR by slowly scanning your body from head to toe and tightening and releasing each muscle group as you go. It can help to inhale as you tense and exhale as you release. You can also just focus on one muscle group that you notice is feeling tight, for example clenching your shoulders and holding them tight with an inhale, then dropping them with an exhale.


How to Mentally Accept the COVID-19 Pandemic


Coping During the Coronavirus- Strategy #12