Coping During the Coronavirus- Strategy #19

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A body scan is a meditative practice aimed at helping you connect with physical sensations held within the body. The purpose is to cultivate greater bodily awareness in the service of deepening your understanding of how stress and emotions are felt in your body. Noticing and staying present with physical sensation can help expand your ability to tolerate distress, draw breath and attention to tension in the body, and shift your relationship to discomfort.

To practice a body scan, find a quiet place to lie down and close your eyes. Starting at your toes bring gentle awareness to any sensation you may experience there. Notice what you feel or connect with the absence of sensation with a curious, non-judgmental lens. Spend some time exploring this sensation, then gently shift your attention to your feet. Slowly work your way up your body from toe to head, stopping to explore sensation in each part of the body. If you notice areas of particular discomfort you can practice bringing breath into those spaces. Continue until you’ve made your way through your whole body, then spend some time connecting with the experience and sensations of your full body breathing. 

There are numerous free resources online which provide guided body scan meditations to listen to. The Headspace and Calm apps also have great guided options.


Coping During the Coronavirus- Strategy # 20


Coping During the Coronavirus- Strategy #18