Coping During the Coronavirus- Strategy #21

Let Yourself Cry

Crying, feeling angry, feeling heartbroken, feeling scared. These are all normal and expected reactions to the pandemic and the experience of social distancing. We are all grieving. Some days are lighter, other days it can all feel heavy. Connecting with your emotions, allowing yourself to feel the weight of your experience, is a healthy and important part of coping. Many of us are in “survival mode” and may not feel like we have much time or space to truly connect with our feelings; and yet, the feelings are there whether we look at them or not. I encourage you to let the feelings come when they come, be present with them, feel them in your body, watch them rise and fall, and rise again. Mindful, connected, presence is how we can be with and move through experiences of pain, and how we will walk through this experience together.


Coping During the Coronavirus- Strategy #22


Coping During the Coronavirus- Strategy # 20