Why I’m Leaning Back This Year

Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead was published when I was pregnant with my first child, but I had long before ingested her message. I grew up in DC, a city of working moms. It was not unusual for me to see my mom or a friend’s mother being interviewed on CNN one night and bringing snacks to soccer practice the next day. The women around me leaned in hard.

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Five Tips for Making Mom Friends in DC

There is something uniquely beneficial about connecting with others who are simultaneously experiencing the role and identity shift that comes with parenting. Additionally, other moms can offer instrumental support, validation, gentle guidance, and connection in ways that are unique to these relationships. Whatever the reason, finding your tribe of other moms is crucial. So how do you make “mom friends” in a transitional city like Washington, D.C?.

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It’s Not Just Depression: Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders

“But I don’t feel depressed.” I hear this time and time again from pregnant and postpartum women who call my clinical practice. These women are plagued by anxiety, racing thoughts, restlessness, sleep difficulties, compulsive behaviors, and other troubling symptoms, and yet they do not reach out for help. Why?

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