Five Tips for Making Mom Friends in DC

There is something uniquely beneficial about connecting with others who are simultaneously experiencing the role and identity shift that comes with parenting. Additionally, other moms can offer instrumental support, validation, gentle guidance, and connection in ways that are unique to these relationships. Whatever the reason, finding your tribe of other moms is crucial. So how do you make “mom friends” in a transitional city like Washington, D.C?.

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Parenting Emma Basch Parenting Emma Basch

Enough with Work-Family Balance: It’s Time to Learn to Sway

Ready to give up the ubiquitous – but rather inaccurate – term “work-life balance” this year? Dr. Emma Basch joins us again on the Mindful Return blog to offer her preferred alternative to the concept: embracing the idea of “swaying.” Here’s Dr. Basch with 8 concrete suggestions that will help you feel more confident about that working mama juggling act.

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Emma Basch Emma Basch

How to Embrace Your Commute: Finding Your Zen on the Way to Work

You rarely hear people say, “I love my drive to the office.” For most of us, our commute to and from work is littered with stressors. Navigating the daycare drop off, negotiating crowded trains, anxiety over getting stuck in traffic. Framed through this lens, there is nothing to love about this daily trek.

And yet,…

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