Coping During the Coronavirus- Strategy #16

Take a Mindful Moment

With all the additional responsibilities and anxieties that are present for many of us right now, it is hard to remember to pause and check in with ourselves. When we are moving so fast or when we are consumed with worry, we miss opportunities to take care of our basic needs and respond to our feelings. This is where mindful moments come in. I’d encourage you to regularly take 30 seconds to pause and ask yourself the following.

Am I hungry or thirsty?

Am I tired?

How does my body feel?

What am I feeling right now?

What do I need right now?

One way to ensure you practicing this regularly is to do this every time you wash your hands. Use that 20-30 seconds to check in with your basic needs and respond accordingly. This gentle simple pause is a profound act of self-nurture and self-care.


Coping During the Coronavirus- Strategy #17


Coping During the Coronavirus- Strategy #15