Maternity Matters: This is What Choice Really Looks Like

In the last few weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about the language we use to talk about abortion. There is a lot of focus on when an abortion is “acceptable” (life of the mother is threatened, rape, incest), when a fetus may or may not feel pain, and when life begins. This highly polarized language is extremely problematic as it implies that the choice to terminate a pregnancy can be boiled down to an overly simplified belief structure.

Maternity Matters: 10 things ABC’s “Black-ish” Got Right about Postpartum Depression

ABC’s “Black-ish” is no stranger to tackling tough topics in ways that manage to be creative and impactful, while somehow remaining funny and tremendously accessible. The most recent episode featured a powerful story line centered around Rainbow “Bow” Johnson’s struggles with postpartum depression (PPD) after giving birth to her son Devante.


In continued recognition of NICU AWARENESS MONTH, I’m focusing this week on how to take care of your emotional wellbeing during a NICU stay. In addition to drawing from my clinical experience, I am especially grateful to have had some NICU moms weigh in on this piece. Meagan Owensby Garibay is a former NICU nurse and mom of two children who both spent time in the NICU stays. Seema Aghera is a mother of three girls and experienced a NICU stay with her youngest daughter. I am also speaking from my personal experience as a NICU mom. My NICU baby celebrated a birthday this month so it is also in honor of her that I write this.

Maternity Matters: Vote No! Ivanka Trump, Postpartum Depression, and The Graham Cassidy Bill

Earlier this week during an interview on the “Dr. Oz” show, Ivanka Trump revealed a personal battle with postpartum depression. She joins a chorus of celebrities speaking out about their experiences and bringing much needed attention to an issue that impacts millions of women and families each year.  While I applaud anyone willing to speak about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, I can’t help but note the absurdity in the timing of her revelation. 


Imagine for a moment, that you are at your annual medical check up. What if, in addition to asking about your diet, taking your vitals, and conducting routine labs, your doctor also asked about your emotional health?  And what if, when you said you had some concerns about your mood, your doctor walked you down the hall to meet with the therapist embedded in her practice. This is integrated mental health care!

Maternity Matters: How to Support a Friend or Patient after a Traumatic Birth

Rounding out my series on traumatic birth experiences are some tips on how to best support a friend or loved one after a birth trauma. I also offer some suggestions for OB’s, midwives, and other birth support professionals on how to offer more supportive care. But first, some REAL examples culled from clients (they have given me permission to share their experiences) of things that were said to them by their medical teams and loved ones. 

Psychcentral Podcast: What is Postpartum Depression

In this episode of the Psych Central Show, hosts Gabe Howard and Vincent M. Wales welcome guest Dr. Emma Basch. Dr. Basch is a licensed clinical psychologist as well as the author of PsychCentral’s Maternity Matters blog. She joins our hosts (two childless men, it should be noted) to discuss the many aspects of postpartum depression. Listen in to learn some surprising facts and statistics about postpartum depression, including how common it is. Learn how it differs from “regular” depression, the ties it has to anxiety, the known causes of postpartum depression, and several suggestions for how to treat it.

Maternity Matters: Having a Baby after a Traumatic Birth

For many women who have experienced a traumatic birth, contemplating a subsequent pregnancy is fraught. This can be true for those who have experienced continued post-traumatic symptoms, as well as for those who’ve felt relatively at peace for some time. In my experience, with a lot of planning and proper supports, it is possible to have a positive birth experience after a traumatic one. Of course, as pregnancy and birth are unpredictable, it may not be the birth you envisioned, but it could still be a reparative and healing experience.